FEAM is participating in a consortium that has secured a framework contract with DG Health to provide consultancy services on evaluation, impact assessment and implementation of EU actions in public health/food policy areas. These framework contracts are issued only every 4 years with this one finishing in 2025.
Consortium partners:
- Federation of European Academies of Medicine (BE), public health
- Economisti Associati (IT), FC management, Better Regulation, public health
- Tetra Tech (PL), Better Regulation, public health & food policy
- Oxford Research (SE), Better Regulation, public health
- Centre for European Policy Studies (BE), Better Regulation
- Ipsos (BE), Better Regulation, surveys (CAWI/CATI, panels)
- AND International (FR), Better Regulation, food policy
- Wavestone (FR), Better Regulation, digitalization
- Spark Legal Network (BE), legal services, Better Regulation
- Asterisk (DE), Better Regulation, public health
- Food Control Consultants (UK), food policy
- International Foundation for Integrated Care (NL), public health
- Elements Advisory (BE), food policy (biocides)
- Fundacion Progreso y Salud (ES), public health (HTA)
- Studi Analisi Valutazioni Economich (IT), economic analysis (CBA/CEA)
- Institute for Global Health (ES), public health, CBA
DG SANTE studies for which the services are requested revolve around the strategic priorities of the European Commission, in particular the ones outlined by DG SANTE in their annual work plans. Upon publication of a request for services by DG SANTE, FEAM will reach out to its network of experts across its 23 national academies to swiftly identify ideal candidates with the right expertise to support the study. Participation of experts is remunerated according to the number of years of relevant experience.