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Working together for the future of European health research | 31 January 2020 (11.00-13.00), European Parliament, Brussels

With the increasing disease burden and challenges faced by European healthcare systems, health research is more important than ever. It has a transformative impact on the lives of patients and provides a return on investment to society. Nonetheless, bottlenecks persist, including fragmentations in the health research funding system and limitations to the sustainability of funding. Health research is constantly evolving, and policymakers and researchers should work together to ensure that researchers have access to new developments, concepts, and technologies needed to develop innovative ideas. At the same time, efforts should focus on effectively scaling-up and implementing these innovations, so they quickly reach patients. Cross-sectoral and cross-border cooperation are key in ensuring health research meets societal needs and the EU Research Agenda should pay greater attention to academic health research requiring international collaboration. Therefore, the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) and the BioMed Alliance partnered with influential policymakers and experienced researchers to have an open discussion on the future of European health research.

Hosted by: MEP Cristian Bușoi (chair of the ITRE Committee), MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho (member of the ITRE Committee), and MEP Petra De Sutter (chair of the IMCO Committee)

Venue: European Parliament, Brussels

Date:    31 January 2020 (11.00-13.00)

Read the Summary Report of the Workshop here


  • Petra De Sutter, MEP, Professor of Gynaecology and former Head of the Department of Reproductive Medicine at Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
  • Mihai Netea, Department of Infectious diseases, Radboud University, The Netherlands (slides)
  • Andrzej Rys, Health systems and Medical products and Innovation Director, DG Health, European Commission (slides)
  • Irene Norstedt, Acting Director, People Directorate, DG for Research and Innovation, European Commission (slides)
  • Roger Bouillon, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Endocrinology, KU Leuven, Belgium (slides)
  • Françoise Meunier, Vice President of FEAM
  • Magda Chlebus, Executive Director, Science Policy and Regulatory Affairs, EFPIA
  • Katie Gallagher, Senior Policy Adviser, European Patients’ Forum

Full programme 

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