Mortality from breast cancer is declining in most countries thanks to effective screening programs, early diagnosis, molecular characterization of the different subtypes and biology-driven treatments. A multidisciplinary management of breast cancer patients is therefore the key to success and a breast multidisciplinary team should include – besides the “classic” clinical specialties – pathologists, molecular biologists and oncogeneticists. Furthermore, the availability of multiple diagnostic and therapeutic choices, the increasing costs of new technologies and drugs and the issue of sustainability represent a new challenge for socially-responsible clinicians. With this goal in mind, the Programme includes lectures on molecular characterization, updated treatments of early and advanced disease, management of difficult cases and hereditary syndromes. Clinical case discussions and debates are planned to allow a continuous and fruitful exchange of experiences and opinions between speakers and participants.
This 15th Breast Cancer Conference includes highly qualified international faculty, but will maintain its characteristics of a friendly forum where opinion leaders and attendees might exchange experiences and share the most exiting advances. In order to reward scientific excellence and to foster international cooperation, the International Scientific Committee of the 15th AIBCC will award the 9th International Prize for Breast Cancer Research to a scientist who has published a breakthrough paper in the previous year. We also welcome the presentation of posters from participants and the best poster will be awarded during the Award Ceremony.
The Conference is addressed to medical oncologists, pathologists, breast surgeons, radiation oncologists and basic scientists who will have the opportunity to interact with breast cancer leaders and exchange experiences in a friendly atmosphere.
For additional information please visit the official webpage