Use of data in cross-border biomedical research: what are the challenges ahead for Europe?
20 November 2017
Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, B-1040
Brussels (Belgium)
Personal data is a vital resource for research that can save and improve lives. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides a strong basis for the safe use of personal data in research. However, exemptions for scientific or historical research purposes may allow for divergent implementation across Europe, posing potential challenges.
In order to contribute to a constructive debate on how to ensure that implementation of GDPR support cross-border biomedical research, the aim of the workshop is to trigger discussions on the following aspects:
To consult the final agenda, please click here
Session 1: Cross-border biomedical research: What are the new challenges arising from the forthcoming data protection legislation?
Presentation – Prof. Françoise Meunier (EORTC, FEAM)
Presentation – Johan Wisenborn (Novartis)
Presentation – Sarah Collen (NHS European Office)
Session 2: How to facilitate use of data in cross-border biomedical research? Cross-sectorial dialogue with policy-makers.
Presentation – Andrzej Rys (European Commission, DG SANTE)
Presentation – Miguel González-Sancho (European Commission, DG CONNECT)
A summary report of the discussion was produced and can be accessed by clicking on the picture here below
The FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum provides a platform for discussion on key policy issues for the biomedical community.
The Forum is an initiative from the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM). It aims to bring together representatives from academia, research charities, industry, European and national trade associations and professional bodies, regulators, public health bodies, and patient and consumers groups.
To learn more about the FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum, please consult the FEAM Forum page