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Recording of the symposium on Adult Vaccination is now available

The recording of the FEAM/KNAW symposium on Adult Vaccination and Vaccine Hesitancy, held on 20 March in Amsterdam, is now available.

The event featured presentations by Mihai Netea (Full Professor of Experimental Medicine, Radboudumc),  Jean-Pierre Michel (Professor Geriatric Medicine, University of Geneva), Bart-Jan Kulberg (Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases, co-founder of the Radboudumc Center for Infectious Diseases), Marlies Hulscher (Professor Quality of Care for infectious diseases, Radboudumc), Daphne Bussink, (Resident public health and PhD candidate, Radboudumc) and George Griffin, (Emeritus Professor of Infectious Diseases and Medicine, St. George’s, University of London and FEAM Vice-President).

Watch the full symposium here:

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