Professor George Griffin, FEAM Vice-President, will participated in the event “Routine vaccinations in time of COVID-19 across Europe: a multi-stakeholder evaluation“. This initiative, which will take place on 20 July (Tuesday), is organised by the Active Citizenship Network (ACN) and is being held as part of the EU webinar cycle ‘Health at the heart of Europe’s future’, which ACN is running with the aim of feeding into the debate at the Conference for the Future of Europe. Register for the event: here
Moderator: Gary Finnegan, VaccinesToday
14:30 – 14:50 Opening remarks
Mariano Votta, Responsible for EU Affairs – Cittadinanzattiva – Director Active Citizenship Network
MEP Tomislav Sokol, Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats), Croatia
Isabel de la Mata, Principal Advisor for Health and Crisis management, European Commission, DG Health and Food Safety
14:50 – 15:05 Survey’s results
Daniela Quaggia – Active Citizenship Network
15:05 – 15:55 Roundtable
-Health Care Professionals:
Italy, Stefano Celotto, General Practitioner, Italian College of General Practitioners and Primary Care Professionals, SIMG
UK, Prof. George Griffin, UK Academy of Medical Sciences, Representative of Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)
–Citizens/patients’ advocacy groups:
Spain Elena Moya, Vice President, Asociacion Española Contra La Meningitis – Europe and Africa Coordinator for CoMO ( Confederation of Meningitis Organisations )
–Health Institutions:
Romania, Camelia Claici, Public Health Epidemiologist, National Institute of Public Health
Malta, Tanya Melillo, Head of infectious disease prevention and control Unit, Ministry of Health
-Pharmaceutical Companies:
Sibilia Quilici, Executive Director Vaccines Europe
15:55 Closing remarks
Jane Barratt, International Federation of Ageing, Manifesto on Routine Vaccinations
Find more information on the event, here.