FEAM reiterates its commitment to the One Health concept by supporting the Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences in contributing to the development of a dedicated National Center of Excellence in Romania. More activities to follow in 2019! Summary report – FEAM One Health Conference (RAMS, Bucharest, 2014) FEAM-IAP Health Declaration on One Health (2014) […]
One Health
FEAM calls the UK and other EU member states for continued medical research cooperation post Brexit with a special focus on mobility of researchers, driving excellence and forging international collaboration, and safeguarding patients’interests. Download the statement
Brexit / Research
Prof. George Griffin attends EC Expert panel on Effective ways of investing in health’s hearing on Vaccination programmes and health systems in Europe. Watch the webstreaming here.
FEAM is recruiting two Policy Officers to oversee the development of the FEAM policy programme and European Biomedical Policy Forum Senior Scientific Policy Officer Monthly gross salary: 4 500 EUR, plus additional employment benefits consistent with the Belgian location. Details about the position and application are available here. Deadline for application: 1 October 2018 […]
Job vacancy
FEAM is recruiting a full-time Project Assistant to support the management and coordination of work in the EU-funded SAPEA project. Monthly gross salary: 2 500 EUR, plus additional employment benefits consistent with the Belgian location. Deadline for application: September 9. Details about the position and application are available here.
Job vacancy
The Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) welcomes the publication of Horizon Europe, the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. FEAM welcomes the increased budget of €100 billion for 2021-2027. This is a positive sign of the European Commission’s commitment to put strong focus on research and the EU at the forefront […]
The European population is ageing rapidly and life expectancy continues to increase. Europe needs to ensure that the increasing numbers of elderly people can spend those extra years of life in good health, with adequate functional ability, and opportunities to contribute to society. To ensure healthy ageing of the European population, a broad range of […]
Ageing / SAPEA
As an initiative from SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies), the Scientific Advice Mechanism is taking up the task of providing science advice to the European Commission on the future of ageing. This will take account of the current international and European policy context and the available scientific evidence, to address the question of […]
Ageing / SAPEA
SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) has published its third Evidence Review Report titled Improving authorisation processes for plant protection products in Europe: a scientific perspective on the assessment of potential risks to human health. The report examines the methods and procedures for assessing potential harmful effects on human health from the use of Plant […]
On 28 March 2018, the FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum organised a round table discussion on use of animals in scientific research, which was chaired by Professor André Parodi, Honorary President of the French National Academy of Medicine and of the French Veterinary Academy. The summary report of the event is now available. The objective […]
Animal welfare / FEAM Forum
Amsterdam, 25 May 2018 We are pleased to announce that Professor George Griffin is the new President of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM). At the end of today’s FEAM Council in Amsterdam, Professor Bernard Charpentier handed the FEAM Presidency over to him for a three-year term. Professor George Griffin is a […]
SAPEA has published its second Evidence Review Report titled Novel Carbon Capture and Utilisation Technologies: research and climate aspects. The report explores whether Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies have the potential to contribute significantly to mitigating the effects of climate change. As an integral part of the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), SAPEA was asked to produce […]
Horizon Europe, the 9th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, is around the corner. How can it support excellent science? To contribute to this debate, the FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum held an annual lecture on 21st March dedicated to the topic: “Biomedical and health research: developing a vision for Europe”. The event brought […]
FEAM Forum / Research
With the dramatic increase in measles in Europe – a four-fold increase from 2016 to 2017, according to a recent report by the World Health Organization – and the urgent need for vaccines protecting against infections for which no vaccines currently exist, the European Commission (EC) has drafted a Roadmap for Strengthened cooperation against vaccine […]
This conference is hosted by the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) and will provide the opportunity to hear the views of experts on the state of Personalized Health in Europe with regards to research, national and international networks, promising clinical applications as well as ethical and societal implications.
Personalised medicine
This symposium is hosted by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and will bring together key opinion leaders from various scientific backgrounds and kick-start the much-needed interdisciplinary discussion about these issues. Check the event page to register
Health inequalities
The FEAM European Biomedical Policy Forum workshop on “Use of data a in cross-border biomedical research: what are the challenges ahead for Europe?” took place on 20 November 2017 in Brussels. The summary report is now available. The workshop was organised against the backdrop of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which will come into […]
Data protection / FEAM Forum
Today a group of organisations including FEAM and representing academies of medicine, patients, healthcare professionals, and the health care industry have called on the EU and UK to prioritise patients in the Brexit negotiations. To coincide with a meeting of EU Health Ministers in Brussels, this policy statement comes just one week ahead of the […]
SAPEA (Science Advice for Policy by European Academies) has announced Professor Bernard Charpentier as the new chair of the SAPEA Board. Professor Charpentier is the President of FEAM (Federation of European Academies of Medicine), Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Paris Sud 11 and a Fellow of the French Academy of Medicine. He takes […]
In an article published on the November issue of Open Access Government, FEAM Vice-President Prof. Stefan Constantinescu discusses the recently published position paper of FEAM and the Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe (BioMed Alliance). The paper on “Strengthening biomedical research for the benefit of European citizens” put forward recommendations which will help improve clinical and […]